Gottliebs of Nahbollenbach |
Updated 8/17/2014 |
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Rose Gottlieb was born in Nahbollenbach on May 29, 1874, the second child of Isaac and Caroline. She was the first Gottlieb to arrive in America, immigrating around 1890. She worked as a domestic servant for several years.
She married Henry Rich in New York on February 20, 1901, and her brother Herman was a witness to the marriage. Henry was born in Vienna on February 9, 1878 and came to America with his mother when he was five years old. He worked in the diamond business. They lived in Brooklyn, less than a mile from Rose's brother Herman. Rose and Henry had three sons: Leopold Herbert ("Leo"), Theodore Gottlieb ("Ted"), and Jerome Joseph ("Omie").
Henry began to experience serious heart problems in 1929 and died on May 12, 1933 in their home. Rose survived him by more than 20 years but never remarried. She died on October 21, 1954.
Leo Rich was born in the Bronx on November 20, 1901, nine months to the day after Rose and Henry's marriage, though he thought that his date of birth was November 21. Leo graduated from University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School in 1924 and later ran an industrial consulting business.
Leo married Margaret "Peggy" Rice on November 23, 1932. Peggy was born in New York City on February 15, 1910. She graduated from Barnard College in 1931. They had two sons. Peggy collected most of the information that is the basis for this family tree.
Leo died on April 23, 1966. Peggy outlived him by almost 30 years, but she never remarried. She died on November 2, 1995, at the age of 85.
Ted Rich was born in Manhattan on December 19, 1905. He was named after his uncle, Theodor Gottlieb. Ted graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1926 and went on to earn a law degree from Penn in 1930. He formed the law firm of Bellwoar & Rich with attorney Harry J. J. Bellwoar, Jr. A successor to that firm, Schubert, Gallagher, Tyler & Mulcahey, still exists in Philadelphia. His Phi Sigma Delta fraternity named an award for community service after him, and that award was continued by ZBT when those fraternities merged.
On his 22nd birthday, Ted married Juliet Eshner, but the marriage was very short-lived. By the 1930 census, barely two years later, Juliet was living with her parents and listed as "single."
On October 4, 1932, Ted married Elsie Cecelia Neufeld. Elsie was born on July 10, 1910 in Chester City, Pennsylvania. Like Juliet, Elsie was the daughter of a physician. Her father was born in Vienna, like Ted's father. Elsie graduated from Wellesley College in 1931. They had two sons.
Ted died on April 9, 1955, at the age of 49, and was buried at Adath Jeshurun Cemetery in Philadelphia. Elsie remarried in 1959. Elsie died on February 11, 2001 at Ambler Rest Home in Ambler, Pennsylvania after several years of declining health. She was buried with her second husband at Adath Jeshurun, not far from Ted's grave.
Omie Rich was born in Brooklyn on November 19, 1907. He apparently suffered from a developmental disability, because in the 1940 census, at the age of 32, he had no occupation and his highest grade completed in school was "0."
Omie died in Norristown on September 4, 1963, apparently a patient at Norristown State Hospital, a psychiatric facility.
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This site is created and maintained by Tracey Rich, great-granddaughter of Rose Gottlieb Rich.
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